Pharmaceutical Counterfeiting

Pharmaceutical Counterfeiting – Risks, Challenges, and Prevention Strategies

In today’s fast-growing global pharmaceutical market, the industry faces the severe challenge of drug counterfeiting.

The World Health Organization estimates that around 11% of medications in developing nations are counterfeits! One out of eight global citizens purchase their medicines from a pharmacy, and approximately half of the world’s population relies on manufactured drugs for the treatment of chronic diseases.

A fake drug could pose significant risks for patients if misused or distributed into channels or locations that are not isolated from other counterfeit-filled products. Defective drugs pose a serious threat to patient safety and public health. As the pharmaceutical supply chain grows, there needs to be an increased focus on the prevention of counterfeiting. Hence, it is important to understand the scope and magnitude of the problem.

The pharmaceutical supply chain, comprising pharmaceutical companies, medical distributors, and pharmacies, is a complex and critical component of the pharmaceutical value chain. This whitepaper delves into the complex risks, challenges, and prevention strategies surrounding pharmaceutical counterfeiting. Notably, data from the Pharmaceutical Security Institute reveals a concerning surge in illicit incidents. As stakeholders navigate this intricate terrain, understanding the multifarious dimensions of this issue becomes paramount for safeguarding the integrity of pharmaceuticals, public health, and global economies.

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