Map raw material origins, ingredients
and finished products from farm to production
to retail to consumer



Ensure up to the mark packing


Product packing is as important as the final product itself. Packing is not just a means of protection but also and informative & marketing tool. Ensuring packing is as per requirement is imperative for FMCG companies.


QodeNext vision sensing technology comes with a host of features which can if confirm contents match packaging, verify sell-by date & batch code and quality of printed barcode.

Ensure ingredient level traceability and manage third party risk


Quality ingredients are a key to Quality products. Keeping this in mind, it is crucial for FMCG companies to study vendor performance, obtain quality raw material and back trace in case an issue arises.


QodeNext Provides visualization of supplier ecosystem with data analytics to study vendor performance & quality checks at various stages to ensure adherence to required standards.

Maximise Production Uptime through the Assembly Line


With a large quantity of ingredients going into production, manual operations result in a host of challenges such as human errors, increased idle time & occurrence of stock outs.


QodeNext tackles the major challenges faced by FMCG companies through WIP management software. QodeNext software integrates various production lines, keeps real-time track of inventory & boosts productivity.

Improve Warehouse Operational Efficiency


With the onset of GST and rapid growth, companies have the potential and the competitive imperativeness to increase the velocity of their warehouse management, bolster the traceability and security of their goods and grow the business on a global scale.


QodeNext provides complete visualization on the warehousing ecosystem, from inward, internal and outward movement of the goods. Additionally, the software allows efficient picking, cubing modules to further enhance the functioning of the warehouse.

Implement Just-In-Time Inventory utilization to reduce wastage of expired raw materials

Improve accuracy & timely dispatch of Raw Materials & FInished Goods

Maintain Ontime and On Track movement at Entry & Exit Gates


Frequent movement of trucks within warehouse and manufacturing premises often results in poor turnaround time, adds to truck management cost & slow order fulfilment.


By implementing QodeNext RFID based QodeTITO software, Pharma companies can efficiently manage entry, exit gates and get real time visibility of bay status.

Manage product recalls to minimize brand impact


QodeNext provides end to end supply chain traceability allowing targeted recalls and keeping brand impact to a minimum.

Enhance manpower productivity

Comply with all Government & Global Compliances