How to Reduce Humidity in the Warehouse: 8 Simple Ways Explained!

A humid environment feels uncomfortable not only to humans but also to the products lying in a warehouse.

The World Health Organisation says a humid environment is an ideal place for increased production of mould, bacteria, and other harmful organisms. So, even if you’re spending a fortune on inventory management, something as forgettable as humidity can cause those shutters to be pulled down.

So, how do you combat it? With a foolproof plan against the moisture droplets of course! 

In this blog, we’ve discussed X points detailing how to reduce humidity in a warehouse. From industrial dehumidifiers to huge fans, we’ve mentioned everything, including the much-sought-after examples!

Let’s dive right in, and end your war against the unwanted moisture!

Source of Humidity and the Risk in a Warehouse:

Although a warehouse is mostly a fully enclosed area, air fluctuations might be caused due to open doors, windows and warm air making its way through cracks. Additionally, the lack of proper circulation in the warehouse could cause a temperature difference between the air inside and outside.

Humidity in a warehouse can worsen overnight because that is when the temperature outside is cool, while the air inside is warm. This phenomenon often causes the warm air to cool, making the floor and machinery sweat.

Risks of Humidity in the Warehouse:

  • Degraded Air Quality:

Stagnant or air that has no movement in a while, the excess humidity around it dampens the surface around it to facilitate the growth of bacteria, mould, and viruses. Although invisible, these germinate and multiply rapidly on contact with sufficient moisture, which makes the air inside extremely unhealthy.

  • Sick Building Syndrome:

The Sick Building Syndrome is exactly what it’s suggestive of – this condition makes workers suffer from discomfort and sickness in a humid building. This might cause headaches, dizziness, coughing, irritation in the eyes, nose and throat, and fatigue.

  • Sweating Slab Syndrome:

Humidity is essentially more moisture in the air than usual, and in this senior, the excess moisture collects on a slab or the floor. In an excessively humid area, when the air comes across a cold surface, it lowers its temperature to match that of the surface. Understandably so, this can cause people to fall over, or forklifts and carts to slip.

How to Reduce Humidity in a Warehouse? X Measurers to Follow:

Humidity is just moisture, and among other warehousing practices, keeping it under check is equally important. So, how do you reduce humidity in a warehouse exactly? Well, we’ve mentioned 8 ways to do so, ranging from dehumidifiers to insulating the area, and ensuring proper ventilation in the warehouse among others.

  1. Dehumidifier:

This is a device specifically built to attract water droplets or moisture from the atmosphere. This process therefore eliminates the possibility of spreading airborne bacteria that are suspended in the moisture. You can also build a cold storage warehouse that keeps the warehouse cool, which inturn reduces humidity.

  1. Ventilation Systems:

A warehouse storing several products needs to be well-ventilated, either manually or mechanically. Windows, vents, or roof openings can be manually used to promote ventilation. On the other hand, exhaust fans, intake fans, or air exchange systems can also be used to expel warm air from inside to allow cool air to flow in.

  1. Air Conditioning Systems:

Air conditioning cools the warm air in a warehouse to eliminate the need for the warm air to become cool, therefore inducing a build of moisture. HVAC systems that include dehumidifying features are a great way of controlling both the temperature and humidity in a warehouse. Split or ducted systems can also be used, based on the size of the warehouse.

  1. Insulation and Sealing:

The walls and roofs of the warehouse can be insulated with high-quality materials to prevent external moisture from entering the warehouse. Additionally, double-glazing windows can potentially reduce the transfer of humidity through the glass. Lastly, make sure to inspect and seal any gaps or cracks present in the building.

  1. Humidity Control System:

In case you want more of an automated answer to the question – how to reduce humidity in the warehouse, an automated humidity control might be exactly what you’re looking for. These systems can automatically adjust the humidity levels based on their sensor reading and some even have zone-specific controlling systems.

  1. Usage of Moisture-Absorbing Materials:

When looking for an answer to how to reduce humidity in the warehouse, one must always start from the very basics- the material used inside a warehouse. While desiccant packs that can be placed in storage units, silica gel can be an effective choice for packaging items prone to moisture and calcium chloride can absorb moisture in large areas.

  1. Proper Spacing Between Goods:

The answer to how to reduce humidity in a warehouse lies in how the products are stored in a warehouse. Pallets and shelving can be used to keep products off the floor, thus reducing moisture absorption from the ground. Additionally, keep enough space between the products and plastic wraps and moisture-resistant packaging is used.

  1. Monitor Humidity Levels:

Hygrometers can be used to monitor humidity regularly, along with data loggers which can monitor humidity levels in real-time and record data. Additionally, alarms and alerts can be set up to notify the staff when the humidity level in the warehouse has crossed beyond a desired point.

There you go, following these 8 measures will answer your question– how to reduce humidity in a warehouse.

FAQ: How to Reduce Humidity in the Warehouse: 8 Simple Ways Explained!

How to reduce humidity in the warehouse for cheap?

You can use fans and windows to allow the circulation of fresh air in the warehouse, but make sure not to overdo it as that may in turn attract moisture in the warehouse instead. Practising this routine in moderation can help to achieve the ideal conditions in the warehouse.

How to dry a warehouse during the monsoon season?

In the monsoon season the natural air outside already has moisture, therefore opening the doors and windows might not help. Instead, humidifiers and fans can be used to speed up the drying process of the storehouse.

Will reducing the temperature in a warehouse reduce humidity too?

It is important to regulate both temperature and humidity in a warehouse. If the temperature in a warehouse decreases, the humidity in it will relatively decrease and vice versa.


To wrap things up, it is important to note that although humidity is a natural phenomenon, you can control it with the right approach. Improving the humidity and temperature conditions in a warehouse is equally important besides efficient storage and automation.

Simple strategies such as making use of doors or windows, sealing up cracks, using fans, etc. can help to reduce humidity in a warehouse efficiently. In case you’re looking for more warehouse-related answers, consider browsing through Qodenext– we post everything about the supply chain industry and how to master it !

We hope we can answer your question about how to reduce humidity in a warehouse, all the best with following the strategies!