By 2026, the market for product traceability software is anticipated to grow to $28.2 billion worldwide. This data is enough to justify that the leading manufacturing industries have already recognized the true potential of traceability software for manufacturing and are working toward implementing it in their processes.

It’s because these tools have various features tailored to particular businesses choosing the best one for yours can be challenging.

Are you confused with a ton of traceability software options in the market? Unable to find the best one for your business needs? We can assist you in selecting the best traceability software. Let’s investigate!

Traceability Software for Manufacturing: A Game-Changer

The features of traceability software will help you to identify the true potential of this software. You can verify and reanalyze your business needs to see if a particular feature can help you to scale your business. Let’s check everything frame by frame.

Lot and Batch Tracking:

It is true that Traceability Software for manufacturing can monitor individual products, but it can also track a lot and batch. This allows the traceability software to organize the newly produced batch. Lot and batch tracking also help the business to keep track of expired products if they have any shelf life. This feature is very effective for implementing B2B and D2C selling strategies.

Quality Control:

The traceability software can keenly check the pathway of each product from the origin to its end. Traceability Software can be used to ensure every product should meet the regulatory requirements and quality standards. As each product is traced on a real-time status, the business executives can spot any quality issues easily. Traceability software can spike up the visualization of tracking and tracing processes; this helps in quality assurance.

Quality Control
Quality Control

Real-Time Data Collection:

Traceability software has real-time tracking features wherein you can track and trace your raw materials, production processes, and end products. Softwares like OneSETU can also provide such real-time data. It incorporates hardware such as Barcodes, RFID tags, and GPS tracking-like technology to ensure high-accuracy real-time tracking. Using this feature, you can get real-time information on the location and status of any product or batch.

Automated Data Capture:

This feature ensures that the right data can be stored at the right time with the edge of logic and connectivity. All the information running inside a manufacturing business can be automated using this feature. Work categories like activities, events, and transactions of an organization can be easily automated. This feature promises to provide fast information with a high accuracy rate.

Reporting and Analytics:

An analysis and reporting data can help to cater to the root cause of an issue in a manufacturing belt. Using traceability software, a business can closely report and analyze the data completely, beginning-to-end, on a closed system. You can swiftly assess the data of a product’s trend, pattern, and future problems when you can record the full information about its entire history and movement in a supply chain.

Benefits of Traceability Software in Manufacturing

Traceability is the real strength of a business; it ensures resilience, efficiency, sustainability, and responsiveness. The process of traceability contributes to the smooth scaling of a business.

Let’s figure out the potential benefits of using traceability software for manufacturing businesses.

Increased Efficiency:

Traceability gives rise to transparency within the supply chain. With traceability software, you can have more accurate updates about your business operations. This increased accuracy and efficiency will help you make better data-driven decisions to optimize business operations.

Reduced Risk:

Traceability software helps in better demand forecasting and identifying the correct reorder point in production. It will help to reduce the risk of stockouts and overstock-like issues.

Reduced Risk
Reduced Risk

Reduced Waste and Costs:

If any production error is not identified and addressed quickly, then it can lead to waste of raw materials and monetary loss. With traceability software you can have high-quality, updated data on your inventory and stock levels and you can avoid the hassle of recalls and reworks to save company time and money.

Regulatory Compliance:

Traceability also ensures that a product meets all the regulatory requirements and standards. With real-time visibility, you can also track and trace the point from where defective items are being produced.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Traceability Software

With lots of traceability software options available in the market, it becomes quite difficult to choose the best one tailored to your needs. Well, don’t worry! We are here to help you out. Here are some key factors which you must keep in mind while choosing traceability software.

Integration with Existing Systems:

Before choosing traceability software for the manufacturing process of your company, it is important to ensure that it works with your current systems and software. Easy integration with other software will help you create a centralized database with all the information in a single platform.

Data Security:

The safety and security of a company’s internal information is the first priority of a business. Ensure that the Traceability software for manufacturing you choose is safe and secure. The software must have a reputed background and positive feedback. A powerful traceability software must-have features like data encryption, an access controller, and audit trails to protect sensitive information.

Support and Maintenance:

The traceability software you choose must always have a reliable support system. Check the service level agreements (SLAs), and ensure the service provider is responsive enough to attend to your problems & queries. Cost: This is the last factor, as it can sometimes be compromised if the features provided by the software are excellent and beyond expectations. But, it is safe to check all the hidden fees and maintenance costs. Ensure the cost is bearable and can fit effortlessly into the budget of your business.

Support and Maintenance
Support and Maintenance

FAQ: Traceability software for the manufacturing

How can traceability software help in checking quality control?

To make sure that every product complies with legal requirements and quality standards, traceability software can be employed. Since each product is tracked in real-time, business executives can quickly identify any quality problems.

How does traceability software provide extremely accurate data in real-time?

Real-time tracking with a high degree of accuracy is made possible via barcodes, RFID tags, and GPS-like technology. Thanks to this feature, we can obtain real-time information about the whereabouts and condition of any batch or product.

How does traceability software aid in lowering risk elements in the manufacturing industry?

Software for traceability assists in improved demand forecasting and locating the ideal point for manufacturing reorders, hence lowering the risk factor. Stockouts and other problems related to overstocks will be less likely as a result.

What is the most important factor to consider before choosing traceability software?

Make sure the software seamlessly integrates with your current systems and that it guarantees your company’s security and data protection.

How does traceability software help with regulatory compliance?

Traceability also ensures that a product meets all the regulatory requirements and standards. With real-time visibility, you can also track and trace the point from where defective items are being produced.


Choosing the right traceability software for manufacturing operations can be a game-changer. It can help you streamline processes, reduce costs, and improve overall efficiency. However, with so many options out there, for example, our product OneSETU. It can provide real-time and accurate inventory visibility.

Remember to consider factors like compatibility with existing systems, ease of use, and scalability. With the right traceability software in place, you can take your manufacturing operations to the next level and stay ahead of the competition.

Check out Qodenext today to take the first step to automate your business.

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