The Future of Freight Shipping: Trends to Watch in 2024

The freight shipping industry is experiencing rapid technological innovations, thanks to the complex nature of global supply systems. Businesses in the logistics sector need to anticipate trends to sustain their competitive advantage. There is increasing demand for freight capacity across land, air, and ocean. To mitigate the rising supply shortage and integration of IoT and […]

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How to Navigate Upstream and Downstream Supply Chains

In the supply chain, the upstream part involves finding and providing raw materials like plastics, wood, and metals to manufacturers. Managing these upstream tasks efficiently is important for quick production. If there are delays or shortages in raw materials, it can lead to lower inventory and more market ups and downs. Access to affordable raw […]

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3D printing in logistics

How 3D Printing is Reshaping the Logistics Industry

3D printing has transformed the aerospace and automotive industries, helping companies design prototypes. While it was limited to specific sectors, 3D printing in logistics has caught the attention of business entrepreneurs.  Components manufactured with 3D printing machines mimic the properties of manual systems. This helps companies cut production costs as they stop relying on outsourcing. […]

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Role of Logistics in Procurement: Strategies for Efficient Supply Chain Sourcing

There is a strong connection between procurement in logistics and the quality of service a company provides, as every business relies on a steady supply of the resources needed for its operations. Procurement ensures a continuous flow of supplies, materials, and services, making effective stock management vital for its success. When planning the procurement of […]

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inventory optimisation

Mastering Inventory Optimisation: A Guide to Split Inventory for Multi-Channel Retailing

Distributed or “split inventory optimisation refers to the practice of storing inventory and conducting fulfilment operations from various centres in different geographic locations. This is quite like setting up a Hub-and-Spoke Model for economic fulfilment rather than fulfilling the orders from a single location.  Big companies like Walmart and Amazon have their fulfilment centres. Even […]

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Sell through rate

What is Sell-Through Rate?-Definition, Importance and Strategies

Calculating all the inventory you have sold in an entire month can be a challenge. For that you need STR. What is that you wonder,right? The sell-through rate (STR) as a metric measure the percentage of inventory you sell in a month compared to the ones you receive from the manufacturer.  This STR is one […]

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E-commerce customer service

How to Improve E-Commerce Customer Service?

No matter which platform you use for your eCommerce business, customer service remains crucial. Prioritizing 24/7 customer support can significantly boost your sales, foster customer loyalty, and generate positive feedback for your business. If you don’t value customer service, your customers will likely turn to your competitors. With countless options available online, your eCommerce business […]

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Automated order processing

What is Automated Order Processing?

Imagine if restaurants had to manually check an online food delivery platform like DoorDash every few minutes to see if a customer placed an order. The time spent manually checking for new orders could delay order preparation and delivery, or even cause some orders to be missed.  Fortunately, automation helps restaurants stay on top of […]

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Wholesale B2B E-Commerce: The Ultimate Guide

Over the past two decades, online wholesale e-commerce has experienced remarkable growth as traditional B2B businesses increasingly transition to digital platforms. According to a study by Statista, the Business-to-Business (B2B) e-commerce market in the United States surged from $2.7 trillion in 2006 to nearly $7 trillion by 2019. Wholesale e-commerce operates under a B2B model, […]

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